What Is Poutine

Poutine: A Canadian Comfort Dish

What Is Poutine?

Poutine is a Canadian dish consisting of French fries, gravy, and cheese curds. It is a popular comfort food that is often served in restaurants and bars across the country.

How to Make Poutine

Making poutine at home is relatively easy. The most important thing is to use fresh ingredients and to make sure that the fries are crispy and the cheese curds are melted and gooey.

To make poutine:

  1. Cut the potatoes into 1/2-inch thick fries.
  2. Fry the fries in hot oil until they are golden brown and crispy.
  3. Drain the fries on paper towels.
  4. Heat the gravy in a saucepan over medium heat.
  5. Add the cheese curds to the gravy and stir until they are melted.
  6. Pour the gravy over the fries and serve immediately.


There are many variations of poutine, including those that include toppings such as pulled pork, bacon, or jalapeƱos. You can also experiment with different types of gravy, such as duck fat gravy or mushroom gravy.

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